The New Bollywood Movie Mallika was released in September 03, 2010. Star cast in this movie are Sameer Dattani, Sheena Nayar, Himanshu Mallik, Pooja Ballutia, Rajesh Khera, Suresh Menon & Arjun Mahajan.
Enjoy the tracks of this movie..
Enjoy the tracks of this movie..
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1. Woh Bhuli Dastaan (Dance Mix) - Pamela
2. Chahoon Tujhe - K.K. & Sunidhi Chauhan
3. Ittefaq To Nahin (Rock Version) - Shilpa Rao & Raaj
4. Shah-E-Khubaan - Niti Mohan & Amjad
5. Ittefaq To Nahin (Sensuos Version) - Shilpa Rao & Raaj
6. Woh Bhuli Dastaan (Radio Mix) - Pamela
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